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May 21 2018
It’s not just what we feed calves when they are young, but also how they are fed that will set the stage for their long-term eating behavior
May 10 2018
There may have been a time when we were at the happiest place on earth as a family of five, having less than a happy time
Sexism in Dairy
May 9 2018
Growing up on a dairy farm, I was never treated like the girl. I was given all the same opportunities as my brothers, and it was up to me to take them
May 3 2018
“You are smart.” “You know cows.” “You can tell stories.”
March 23 2018
I’ve always been a big fan of March Madness. Initially it was because of my interest in the sport of basketball and my propensity for cheering for my team — the K-State Wildcats
March 19 2018
What will dairy look like in the future? It was that question that spurred dairy consultant Jack Britt to collaborate with a team of experts to examine dairying in the future
Chipped Plates
March 7 2018
Most days I can sit down and just crank out an article for you. But this time, I’m not going to lie, I have hit a block so hard I think it left a mark
March 5 2018
Each spring baseball players and prospects display their skills in the hopes of making a major league roster
Feb. 20 2018
There’s no shame in taking a mental health day to get away from the daily stress of dairying
Feb. 14 2018
Even at a very early age, Bert Stewart was a consummate student — he studied those who did well at their trade
Feb. 12 2018
A dairy farmer at a recent conference told me, "I hear all the time that we need to tell our story so our consumers can understand what life is like on the farm
Feb. 2 2018
I was watching the Land O’Lakes Farm Bowl via the internet yesterday to see how the professional football players and farmers fared in this obstacle course
Jan. 29 2018
Flavor is the top driver of yogurt purchases, but health benefit is a close second
Jan. 12 2018
Webinar attendees were treated to a unique presentation and a Hoard’s Dairyman first on Monday, January 8, when a dairy producer served as presenter. Tom Kestell, owner of Ever-Green-View had the...
Jan. 5 2018
Have you checked out your farm on Google Maps and Google Earth? How does it look? What can people see?
Jan. 2 2018
I’ll be the first to admit that my husband and I are “genetics junkies.”
Dec. 13 2017
As a farmer, you put your heart and soul into what you do. You live, eat, and breathe the work you do. It is not a job but a lifestyle. It can bring you great joy one moment and heartache the next
Nov. 29 2017
We as an industry, not just dairy but all of agriculture, need to start standing up for each other in unison
Nov. 17 2017
During the November Hoard’s Dairyman monthly webinar, Cornell professor, Dave Barbano talked about how milk fatty acid analysis can reflect the metabolic health of cows
Nov. 15 2017
The California landscape has always been evolving but recently the change has expedited dramatically